Patient Journey


We welcome new patients for dental implant consultations, whether for a simple single implant and crown restoration, a complex full-mouth rehabilitation, or anything in between.

At your consultation, you will be seen by Dr Harpal Chana, a renowned implant dentist. We use the very latest 3D technology at our practice, including an on-site CT scanner and the NobelProcera laser scanner which, coupled with NobelClinician Software enables exceptionally accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

The first part of your implant consultation will involve a thorough clinical examination. Your dentist will thoroughly check your oral health, including the condition and viability of any remaining teeth, whether there are indicators of gum diseases, and the current level of density in your jaw bone.


This will include the use of an advanced CT scanner – which we have on site – to check whether your jaw bone has started to resorb. This is a very common side-effect of multiple tooth loss or losing all of your teeth, and whilst it is still seen by some dentists as excluding patients from treatment with dental implants, this is not the case at our practice.

Should your current level of bone density be deemed too low for standard implant treatment, there are a number of options available, which your dentist will discuss in-depth with you during your consultation.

These include:

Using zygomatic implants in the upper jaw – Zygomatic implants are longer than standard dental implants and make use of the strong, dense cheek bones (zygomatic bones). Usually, zygomatic implants will be used in conjunction with some standard dental implants to support a full arch of new teeth, although in some cases all zygomatic implants may be used.

Bone grafts – Bone grafts involve building up the level of density in the lower jaw, using either your own bone, donor bone (of human or animal origin) or synthetic material. This will mesh with your jaw bone to provide a stable base for your implants.

Sinus lift – Some people are suitable for this treatment, which involves lifting the sinus cavity and packing it with bone-like material.

If gum disease has contributed to your tooth loss, we will treat this before implant surgery. At the end of your consultation, your dentist will discuss his findings and relevant treatment options with you, before providing you with a fully customised treatment plan.